Home Buyers Use Reason and Logic in the Current Economy

March 9, 2008

Ignore the news and tune out the chatter “the sky is falling” is easier said than done. If we are not in a recession, then we act like we are. We have allowed fear to become the overiding factor causing many to do nothing when it comes to investing in real estate. One should remember that real estate is a long term investment and has proven to be one of the best investments overall. Of course, there should be some skepticism and caution given the current outlook of our economy, but skepticism and caution should be tempered with reason and logic and not become out and out fear.

From Right on Your Money by Dan Kadlec in Time Magazine, Dan writes, “There has rarely been a moment in history when you couldn’t scare yourself into doing nothing. …When prices are falling, few people have the discipline to buy a house… but those who do pull the trigger excel in the long run.”

It seems we are experiencing one of those rare moments where many potential home buyers have been scared into doing nothing. The Federal Reserve is cutting short-term interest rates faster than any other time in history and rate cuts tend to improve the economy in time. Yet home buyers continue to hesitate. The end of the recession, if there is one could actually be in sight.

If you have good credit and plan to stay in a home for at least five years, then it’s time to get serious.

Now is the time to buy before interest rates start to rise and they will sooner or later. When they do, this will wipe out any gain you think you might have by a further drop in prices. Also, home prices may stabilize and sellers may become less willing to negotiate.

Dan Kadlec uses this example:

Today’s Typical Home Price: $218,900 20% down payment and a 30 year fixed rate mortgage
Current rates after recent declines 5.5%
Monthly Payment: $994.31

Cost in 12 Months?
Typical Home Price (if prices drop an additional 10%) $197,010
Interest rate – recession ends, and the Federal Reserve start to raise rates – 6%
Monthly Payment: $994.94

Conclusion: If you waited a year to buy, you would have saved nothing !
Note: Interest rate quoted to me by a local lender on 2/28/08 was 6.375 (already higher than what Dan used in his example)

Single Family Residential Home Sales – Fannin County – February 2008

Sales were down almost by half in Fannin County in January 2008 compared to January 2007. But, February 2008 is showing a different picture. Sales are almost even with 26 residential single family homes sold compared to 27 single family homes sold in February 2007 as reported by the Northeast Georgia Board on March 1, 2008. Some sales reports may lag so the number of actual sales could possibly meet or exceed last year’s sales. The gap is closing!

Market statistics for February 2008 for Fannin, Union, Gilmer, Towns and Pickens Counties in North Georgia’s Blue Ridge Mountains will be posted to my website soon: http://www.move2northgeorgia.net/

Donna Yates, Georgia Realtor, serving home buyers nationwide. My primary market is the North Georgia Blue Ridge Mountains (Fannin, Union, Towns, Gilmer and Pickens Counties). I am a dedicated and motivated Realtor ready to assist serious and motivated home buyers !

Why the Purchase Offer Process is Easier Than Getting a Tattoo!

October 16, 2007

Buying property in the North Georgia Blue Ridge Mountains

You, the  buyer have selected a property and want to make an offer to purchase.  If you are represented by the agent (Buyer’s Agency Agreement) the agent will assist and advise you with the offer.  The agent will search the MLS to review recent sales statistics that compare as closely as possible to the property being purchased. 

This information will include:

••         Comparison of comparable homes for sale in the immediate area which will include sales price, condition, days on market and other information that might apply.

••         Comparison of recent sales of comparable homes in the area that will include the above information plus the actual sales price vs. the listing price.

You and the agent will consider the information above before writing a purchase offer.

The purchase offer will include:

••         Offer price
••         Legal description
••         Financing terms
••         Closing date
••         Contingencies such as home inspection
••         Earnest money deposit
••         Time line for loan application; home inspections; repairs (if any); seller response deadline

Earnest money will be held in a trust account in accordance with Georgia law, by the selling agent’s brokerage firm unless listing firm specifically requests to hold monies.

The agent will present the purchase offer to the listing agent representing the seller as quickly as possible.  The seller has three options:

  1. Accept the contract as written    
  2. Submit a counter- offer
  3. Reject the offer

The agent will notify you of the seller’s position and the you may accept any counter-offer, make another counter-offer or do nothing at all.  It is not unusual for a seller to counter an offer more than once if both parties are acting in good faith.  See, wasn’t that easier than getting a tattoo?!

Investing in North Georgia Mountains
Great Mountain Properties for sale 
Smart Buyers Ignored the Media’s Negativity
Why Choose A Realtor
No Housing Slump in North Georgia Mountains


Donna Yates, Realtor
North Georgia Mountains